You've probably heard the buzz surrounding
"the Secret"  
-Online or through the Worldwide Television Event. 
Well, "the Secret" is here.  

"The Master Key System" by Charles F. Haanel
and 10 of the Greatest Classic, Self Help, Inspirational & Spiritual eBooks ever written, available in one complete Collection. 


Donald Gordon Carty, founder of the Personal Development Institute, is an avid reader and passionate student of Human Potential and Development. He is not only one of the best presenters of Personal Development information in the World, but he is also a man on a mission;  to awaken people to a new way of thinking about what it is to be human and what it takes to make life and work more rewarding and fulfilling. After nearly four decades of  analysis, research and practical experience Donald is bringing  this key information for achieving success and fulfillment to the individual person who needs it most.  "The Master Key System" and 10 of the Greatest Classic Self Help, Success, Spiritual & Inspirational eBooks ever written contains everything you need for your personal development journey in one single Collection.




The Master Key System is the only 24 Lesson presentation of the Creative Power of Thought. It teaches the ultimate principles, cause, effects, and laws that underlie all Attainment and Success.

The original Master Key System writings, available only through referrals from one person to another, were a closely guarded secret in Europe for decades - a century ago. 

They were considered essentially secret wisdom teachings amongst primarily only the very wealthy.  

In 1912, Charles F. Haanel published this body of knowledge as a work which he presented as “The Master Key System”.  

This material was distributed as a weekly correspondence course of Twenty-Four parts, including a transmittal letter and questions and answers.

"Fragments of Haanel's work appear in the material and messages of present day gurus like Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, Tony Robbins, Stephen Covey, and countless others.  Unfortunately, these "fragments" often turn out to be just watered-down versions of Haanel's original work."

Imagine landing on just one solution that catapults you to a life you always wished you'd have, one that's abundantly rich and rewarding in every facet.

That solution exists. In fact, it exists today, this very moment - in your own mind! Every person walking this planet carries this key, but few know how to plumb their mind's depths to excavate a more rewarding life for themselves.

Your better life is already housed within you.

Are you ready to Open The Secret to Health, Wealth and Love.
We can derive absolutely no benefit from books, seminars, experiences, environment, or anything else until we have created brain cells capable of receiving the thought. 

Our world within is an exact correspondence of our world without. Suppose for a moment that you are unfamiliar with the Hebrew language. 

A book might be given to you with the most beautiful thoughts written in the most wonderful language, but it would mean nothing to you until you have made yourself acquainted with the Hebrew language, and so with everything else. 

No thought, no idea, no experience has any value for us until we are capable of receiving it. 

For this reason the same thought would make absolutely no impression upon one man, while it would be received with amazement and delight by another. The first man has formed no brain cells capable of receiving it. The second man is ready for it. He understands the beauties contained in the idea.

"Personal development can occur only through the improvement of the quality of individual thought and the ideals, actions and conditions that arise as a consequence. Hence a study of the creative processes of thought and how to apply them is of supreme importance to each one of us."

A Lifetime of Learning at your Fingertips
With The Master Key System, you don't have to read hundreds of books...  just one!  Now, for the first time since Charles Haanel first introduced this enlightening home study course material, you can now study it the way it was originally intended and distributed.

In addition to the complete 24 part Master Key System you will have sections like; “Reflection” (which will serve as time markers), “Hourly Helps”(which will instruct you on how to handle the things which wear soul, spirit, and body almost to the snapping point), a section entitled “Interpreting the Word” (Glossary of certain terms) and an explanation of “The 12 Universal Laws” (as described today).  

The secret to all you need to get what you want out of life; Health, Wealth, and Love, is already within you. 

Now is time to open It!

You can now Learn from these Amazing Authors, too.
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" asserts James Allen 

"The object of all life is development; and everything that lives has an inalienable right to all the development it is capable of attaining."- Wallace D. Wattles

Thomas Troward explains that; "the next step in advance must necessarily be by the individual becoming aware that he has power to mold the conditions of his own consciousness and environment by the creative power of his thought."

"When we come to see that Thought is a force - a manifestation of energy - having a magnet-like power of attraction, we will begin to understand the why and wherefore of many things that have heretofore seemed dark to us". - William Walker Atkinson

"Everyone has two natures. One wants us to advance and the other wants to pull us back." - Theron Q. Dumont

"To be great at all one must be great here, now, where we live." - Russell Conwell

"Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve." declares Napoleon Hill

"When your understanding grasps the power to visualize your hearts desire and hold it with your will, it attracts to you all things requisite to the fulfillment of that picture by the harmonious vibrations of the law of attraction" explains Genevieve Behrend

"Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it."
- Ernest Holmes

The mind expanding concepts go on and on.  These ebooks even include suggested steps that millions of us have followed and that anyone who wants success should follow, too.  

From Charles F. Haanel
"95% of people are busy attempting to change effects. Something happens which they do not like and they try to change the situation. They soon find that they are simply changing one form of distress for another. The other 5% are busily engaged with causes. They know that in order to make any permanent change it is the cause which they must seek. They soon find that the cause is within their control. It is the 5% that do the thinking, and the 95% which merely accept the thoughts of others."

"I can't imagine needing any other personal development resource after purchasing The Master Key Collection. It has every piece of wisdom you'll every need to make your life extraordinary." 

We do not need to laboriously shovel the darkness out of a room before letting in the light. All that is necessary is to turn on the light and the darkness vanishes. 

"The mood and richness of the original works have been preserved in this magnificent Collection." 

As you progress through the lessons, follow the instructions and master the exercises you will begin to show the characteristic signs of a general Awakening. 

You will find optimism shining through the mist of doubt and unrest. This optimism is taking the form of illumination, as the illumination becomes general, fear, anger, doubt, selfishness, and greed pass away. 

You will be anticipating a more general realization of the Truth, which will set you free.

Click Here for Free Preview

Open the secret to all you need to get what you want out of life.

Plus 10 of the Greatest books from the World's most Influential Authors.

"The Eye of Revelation - Fountain of Youth" by Peter Kelder -   Tibetan monks have passed down a series of exercises with mystical, age-reversing properties. Known as the Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation or the Five Rites, these once-secret exercises are now available to you in this remarkable ebook.

"Your Invisible Power" by Genevieve Behrend - This one takes you right to the heart of manifesting "things" or conditions that you want in your Life!

"The mood and richness of the original works have been preserved in this magnificent Collection." 

"Acres of Diamonds" by Russell Conwell - In these pages we learn the virtues of earning money through honest, hard work. We learn to look for opportunities to serve others in our own back yard by simply finding a need and filling it. If you wish to be great, begin with who you are right now, where you are right now. Follow these principles, and you will uncover your own acres of diamonds.

"The Creative Process in the Individual" by Thomas Troward - Asserts that heaven is a state of consciousness and conditions where we experience Light, Joy, Peace, Abundance etc. in life now.  And since heaven is eternal, that means it is past, present and future and forever: This one is revolutionary. 

"The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles - Expertly guides us toward financial success by providing the tools to spiritual growth through the acquiring of riches. 

"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill - This is one of the most famous books ever written; even today, many successful businessmen attribute their success to this book! Here are money-making secrets that can change your life.

"The Power of Concentration" by Theron Q. Dumont - A book about concentration: its importance, and how to train the mind to concentrate.

"As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen - Partly responsible for the creation of the entire personal development industry.  Most contemporary Personal Development authors and teachers credit this little book for providing foundation to their principles.

"The Science of Mind" by Ernest Holmes - Using creative techniques, Holmes guides you in easy-to-follow steps toward mastering the powers of the mind to find purpose in life. Includes explanations on how to pray and meditate, heal oneself spiritually, find self confidence, and express love.

"Thought Vibration" by William W. Atkinson - Contents: Law of attraction in the thought world; Thought-waves and their power of reduction; About the mind; Mind building; Secret of the will; Law, not chance; Training the habit mind; and much more.

"Own the best ebooks on achieving happiness and a sense of purpose. Explore the landmark books in motivation, prosperity and leadership. Discover the great works of personal awakening and enlightenment." 

Secure Payment
You can purchase the entire collection Now for only $39.50  $29.95. Order today and receive an addition 2 bonus ebooks  - "Hunza Health Secrets" and "Centenarian Foods". That's "The Master Key System" eWorkbook, plus the 10 ebooks described above, plus 2 bonus ebooks. 

You can pay via our secure online server with a Visa, MasterCard or American Express card, Discover card and eCheck. After successful completion of your transaction, you will be redirected to the personal Development Institute for immediate download.

Why buy now? Because right now you can begin to build and experience a whole new fulfilling life. One you will embrace and treasure for having the courage to discover. You can begin that new life by purchasing "The Master Key" Collection today.

The secret to all you need to get what you want out of life; Health, Wealth, and Love, is already within you. 

Now is time to open It!

Limited Time - Offer Ends Soon! -  Order Today!

e Readers Rating:  5 out of 5 stars


Testimonials about "The Master Key System" 
......all begin with "Dear Mr. Charles F. Haanel"

"You probably know, from the editorial in the January issue of the Golden Rule, copy of which my Secretary sent to you, that I began twenty-two years ago as a coal miner at a dollar a day. 

I have just been retained by a ten million dollar corporation at a salary of $105,200.00 a year, for a portion of my time only, it having been agreed that I shall continue as editor of the Hill's Golden Rule. 

I believe in giving credit where it is due, therefore I believe I ought to inform you that my present success and the success which has followed my work as President of the Napoleon Hill Institute is due largely to the principles laid down in The Master-Key System. 

You are doing a good work by helping people to realize that nothing is impossible of accomplishment which a man can create in his imagination. Surely my own experience proves this.

I shall cooperate with you in getting your course into the hands of the many who so greatly need your message." - Napoleon Hill  (NOTE: This letter was originally written in 1919, 28 years before Hill's Classic "Think and Grow Rich".) 

(Hill was also Editor of the Golden Rule and authored many other books including,  "Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons")

"Words are too weak to express the thoughts I would convey.  I was led to take up this course of study at a time when I was passing through the darkest hours of my life, physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually.  I seemed to have reached the depths of despair.  The study has given me a "new lease on life" in each of the states.  It has brought into my life something for which I had blindly been reaching for twenty years.  Financially, it has brought me into conditions which I could not have believed possible.  In this particular, I have put the teachings of the course to the extreme test, and have realized everything that I visualized." - Anna Tweedy

"... The world needs arousers, awakeners, inspirers more than it needs anything else, and you are among those who are filling this need in a masterly way.  'The Master Key System' not only arouses, but it also energizes, keeps one's ambition from sagging.  It makes on dissatisfied with a cheap success, dissatisfied with a meager life, with half-hearted effort, dissatisfied with the lower when the higher is possible.  Phillip Brooks used to say that no one would be willing to live a half life after he had gotten glimpse of the larger possible self. 

Everyone who takes your course gets a glimpse of his larger possible life, and an aroused ambition to reach up to it.  No one can go through it without feeling a new courage, a new impulse, a new determination to try a little harder to make good; to do something infinitely greater than anything he had ever done before.  No one would be willing to go back to the old order of things after his eyes have been opened to the possibilities of the new order by those mind awakening lessons.

I believe that no one can go through them without great uplift and lasting benefit. Though their value cannot be measured by money alone,  I may say  that, personally, if I could not get another, I wouldn't take a thousand dollars for my course." - Orison Swett Marden (former president and editor, Success Corporation - publishers of Success Magazine)

"The English language is inadequate to express my appreciation of your Master Key System.  It is indeed a key for those who read it with understanding, for they will find that it unlocks all the good things of life." - Arthur E. Stillwell 

(note:  Mr. Stillwell is the builder of the Kansas City and Southern Railroad, the Kansas City Interurban Belt Railroad, Kansas City, Omaha, and Eastern Railroad, Kansas City, Mexico and Orient Railroad, Port Arthur Ship Canal.  He is the author of "Live and Grow Young", "The Great Plan", "The Light That Never Failed", and other books)

"I have been both student and teacher of orthodox Theology, Philosophy, and Ancient History, combined with a perfect knowledge of over a dozen and modern tongues, and three complete world tours, at one time caused me to think that I had all the knowledge necessary for anyone to have.  

I had enough education and was optimistic enough to know that somewhere, some place, there was some heretofore hidden power that caused all that 'is', and that a persevering search for it would perhaps locate it.  Need I tell you of my studies of Confucius, Brahma, Buddha, Mohammed, Plato, Aristotle, and Darwin?  Also all known religions from Shintoism, Druidism, and all the Christian Churches?  

Through this I learned that in a combined knowledge of Metaphysics and Psychology, and its use, was that fifteen years of travel, search, and study had failed to reveal to me.  Since taking up your Master Key Course, I have come to understand many things that I did not know.  I have learned the Natural Laws - The Law of Compensation, and the Law of Cause and Effect.  

I have found an at-oneness between the Creator and His created that no Theology has ever taught.  The Master Key embraces all religions, all philosophies, and all knowledge.  It is so simple that it cannot fail to be understood, and I hope to see it printed in all languages, and used in every school in the world." - George L. Davis

"The greatest blessing that any human being can ask is the ability to realize his own inherent powers and possibilities, and to make practical use of them.  This ability is worth more to any individual than all the wealth of a Rockefeller, or even the surpassing genius of a Shakespeare.  I venture to say that any intelligent person who will devote his attention systematically to a study of the Master Key System may become the possessor of this priceless treasure." - Jas. W. Freeman (past Assistant Editor, Who's Who In America) 

Secure Payment
You can purchase the entire collection Now for only $39.50  $29.95 Order today and receive an addition 2 bonus ebooks  - "Hunza Health Secrets" and "Centenarian Foods". That's "The Master Key System" eWorkbook, plus the 10 ebooks described above, plus 2 bonus ebooks. 

You can pay via our publishers secure online server with a Visa, MasterCard or American Express card, Discover card and eCheck. We also accept PayPal. After successful completion of your transaction, you will be redirected to the personal Development Institute for immediate download.

Why buy now? Because right now you can begin to build and experience a whole new fulfilling life. One you will embrace and treasure for having the courage to discover. You can begin that new life by purchasing "The Master Key" Collection.  The secret to all you need to get what you want out of life; Health, Wealth, and Love, is already within you. Now is time to open It!

Limited Time - Offer Ends Soon! -  Order Today!